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The Ubuntu family of distribution is one step closer to version 15.04 as the first beta builds of Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE and now also Xubuntu get ready for testing: "The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 15.04 Beta 1. This is the first beta towards the final release in April. The first beta release also marks the end of the period to land new features in the form of Ubuntu feature freeze. This means any new updates to packages should be bug fixes only, the Xubuntu team is committed to fixing as many of the bugs as possible before the final release. New features and enhancements: LightDM GTK+ Greeter settings tool added; development wallpaper introduced; XFCE Panel now has an intelligent hiding mode...."

Раздел: Софт
Размер: 47.81kb (0.05M)
Хэш (md5): fbcd64ef86e7509cffed70368b3a8359
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Загрузок: 13
 2020-06-25 1
 2020-03-29 1
 2017-01-30 1
 2016-04-25 1
 2016-02-01 1
 2015-11-04 1
 2015-07-05 1
 2015-06-16 1
 2015-06-06 1
 2015-04-24 1
 2020-06 1
 2020-03 1
 2017-01 1
 2016-04 1
 2016-02 1
 2015-11 1
 2015-07 1
 2015-06 2
 2015-04 3
 2015-03 1
Теги: kubuntu, kubuntu-15.04, kubuntu-15.04-beta1-desktop-amd64, kubuntu.iso, kubuntu.torrent, torrent

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Аудио 79 0.73Gb
Видео 117 23.03Gb
Документы 319 9.80Gb
Другое 118 1.54Gb
Изображения 240 51.06Gb
Софт 1797 390.10Gb



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