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The MX Linux team have published an update to their 21.x series. The new update, MX Linux 21.1, includes a refreshed Debian base, a new tool for configuring Samba shares, and updated hardware support. The release announcement reports We are pleased to offer MX-21.1 for your use. MX-21.1 is the first refresh of our MX-21 release, consisting of bugfixes, kernels, and application updates since our original release of MX-21. If you are already running MX-21, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available thru the regular update channel. Highlights include Debian 11.3 Bullseye base new and updated applications Disk-manager returns to the official ISOs mx-samba-config for a desktop-agnostic way of configuring Samba CIFS usershares mx-installer received several improvements.

Раздел: Софт
Размер: 183.88kb (0.18M)
Хэш (md5): 77e32842e8fcc89b32e6c9048c13d7de
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Загрузок: 0
Теги: 2022, iso, linux, mx.linux, mx.linux.21.1, torrent

Tunnelbroker IPV6


Аудио 79 0.73Gb
Видео 117 23.03Gb
Документы 319 9.80Gb
Другое 118 1.54Gb
Изображения 241 51.06Gb
Софт 1807 398.51Gb



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