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Endless OS 5.0.0

The new version introduces a refreshed desktop experience, multiple workspaces and an all-new app centre. Users of Endless OS 4 will need to upgrade to version 4.0.14 before they can upgrade to version 5.0.0. Endless OS 5.0.0 is out. Endless OS 5 continues to be the app-centric operating system you’ve come to know and love, but the experience has been refreshed based on user testing and feedback. At a glance, you’ll notice the grid of apps and search are largely the same, while the taskbar a the bottom of the screen in Endless OS 4 has been split into two more purposeful elements in Endless OS 5 - the bottom dash for your favorite and running apps at the bottom of the screen, and the top panel with more information and system status at the top of the screen."

Раздел: Софт
Размер: 66.49kb (0.06M)
Хэш (md5): b87248e8b9bc3d155abff7684985b08c
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Загрузок: 1
 2023-12-02 1
 2023-12 1
Теги: 2023, endless.os, endless.os.5.0.0, iso, linux, torrent

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Аудио 79 0.73Gb
Видео 117 23.03Gb
Документы 319 9.80Gb
Другое 118 1.54Gb
Изображения 240 51.06Gb
Софт 1797 390.10Gb



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