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Qubes OS 4.1.2, the latest "patch" release of the project's security-oriented operating system for single-user desktop computing, is now available. This version brings the Fedora template up to version 37 and adds an optional "kernel-latest" Linux kernel, version 6.1.12: "We are pleased to announce the stable release of Qubes 4.1.2. This release aims to consolidate all the security patches, bug fixes, and upstream template OS upgrades that have occurred since the initial Qubes 4.1.0 release. Our goal is to provide a secure and convenient way for users to install (or reinstall) the latest stable Qubes release with an up-to-date ISO. If you are already using any version of Qubes 4.1 (including 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2-rc1, and 4.1.2-rc2), then you should simply update normally (which includes upgrading any EOL templates you might have) in order to make your system effectively equivalent to this stable Qubes 4.1.2 release. No reinstallation or other special action is required. Qubes 4.1.2 includes numerous updates over the initial 4.1.0 release, in particular: all 4.1 dom0 updates to date; Fedora 37 template; USB keyboard support in the installer; kernel-latest available as a boot option when starting the installer."

Раздел: Софт
Размер: 115.42kb (0.11M)
Хэш (md5): d33569d27d44444ee04354e3b43ee5c6
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Загрузок: 1
 2023-04-14 1
 2023-04 1
Теги: 2023, linux, qubes, qubes.os, qubes.os.4.1.2, torrent

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Другое 118 1.54Gb
Изображения 241 51.06Gb
Софт 1807 398.51Gb



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