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Parrot 6.1 Home

"We are excited to announce the release of Parrot 6.1, the new version of our operating system that includes in it numerous improvements and updates that makes the system more performing and stable. This new release brings with it a lot of improvements and an update of several packages, as well as libraries, in particular the following ones: Anonsurf 4.2 - improved stability and fixed issues in the launcher script for better anonymity and user experience; re-introduction of parrot-updater - the update reminder popup was re-introduced to the system to assist keeping the system up to date; nmap - patched to fix several errors in its mssql scanning lua script; burpsuite 2024.2.1.3 - updated to the latest version and fixed a Java version inconsistency on some machines; sqlmap 1.8.3 - upgraded to the latest version for better SQL injection detection and testing capabilities...."

Раздел: Софт
Размер: 47.56kb (0.05M)
Хэш (md5): afbcb2672b885a691320429289fed9bc
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Загрузок: 1
 2024-06-07 1
 2024-06 1
Теги: 2024, linux, parrot.6.1, torrent

Tunnelbroker IPV6


Аудио 79 0.73Gb
Видео 117 23.03Gb
Документы 319 9.80Gb
Другое 120 1.54Gb
Изображения 241 51.06Gb
Софт 1812 401.50Gb



netassist Tunnelbroker IPV6

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