Розділ: Софт
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Опис: |
"Like previous LTS series, 18.04.3 includes
hardware enablement stacks for use on newer
hardware. This support is offered on all
architectures and is installed by default when
using one of the desktop images. Ubuntu Server
defaults to installing the GA kernel; however
you may select the HWE kernel from the installer
bootloader. As usual, this point release
includes many updates, and updated installation
media has been provided so that fewer updates
will need to be downloaded after installation."
Розмір: |
67.28kb (0.07M)
Файл: |
Опис: |
"Like previous LTS series, 18.04.3 includes
hardware enablement stacks for use on newer
hardware. This support is offered on all
architectures and is installed by default when
using one of the desktop images. Ubuntu Server
defaults to installing the GA kernel; however
you may select the HWE kernel from the installer
bootloader. As usual, this point release
includes many updates, and updated installation
media has been provided so that fewer updates
will need to be downloaded after installation."
Розмір: |
43.38kb (0.04M)
Файл: |
Опис: |
"Like previous LTS series, 18.04.3 includes
hardware enablement stacks for use on newer
hardware. This support is offered on all
architectures and is installed by default when
using one of the desktop images. Ubuntu Server
defaults to installing the GA kernel; however
you may select the HWE kernel from the installer
bootloader. As usual, this point release
includes many updates, and updated installation
media has been provided so that fewer updates
will need to be downloaded after installation."
Розмір: |
72.78kb (0.07M)
Файл: |
Опис: |
"Like previous LTS series, 18.04.3 includes
hardware enablement stacks for use on newer
hardware. This support is offered on all
architectures and is installed by default when
using one of the desktop images. Ubuntu Server
defaults to installing the GA kernel; however
you may select the HWE kernel from the installer
bootloader. As usual, this point release
includes many updates, and updated installation
media has been provided so that fewer updates
will need to be downloaded after installation."
Розмір: |
77.92kb (0.08M)
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Опис: |
"There are new live/install media of SparkyLinux
2019.08 'Po Tolo' available to download. This is
the 1st snapshot of the new (semi-)rolling line,
which is based on the testing branch of Debian
'Bullseye'. Changes: system updated from Debian
Testing 'Bullseye' repos as of August 1, 2019;
added GCC 9 (GCC 8 is still the default one);
new Sparky6 theme; new Tela icon set; refreshed
desktop look; SDDM instead of LightDM (LXQt
edition); Linux kernel 4.19.37 (5.1.21 EOL,
5.2.5 and 5.3-rc2 available at Sparky unstable
repos). As I mentioned before, Sparky of the
rolling line is available to amd64/x86_64
machines only. Sparky rolling 32-bit is fully
supported so if you have it, simply keep it up
to date."
Розмір: |
21.19kb (0.02M)
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Опис: |
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly
developed by the Scientific & Technological
Research Council of Turkey (T?B?TAK) and
National Academic Network and Information Centre
(ULAKB?M). The distribution is built on Debian,
with the latest version, Pardus 19.0, being
based on Debian 10. The project's release
announcement is available in Turkish and an
English translation reads: "The Pardus operating
system comes with Linux kernel 4.19 to keep your
hardware is running smoothly and with high
performance. See the positive impact of power
management on laptops on battery life thanks to
integration with Pardus, as well as software
such as TLP. Pardus-specific improvements and
innovations in the Debian-based package
management system are more convenient and secure
thanks to weekly updates via package
repositories. Pardus has made improvements and
has been compiled from source code and rebuilt
Розмір: |
31.48kb (0.03M)
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Розмір: |
125.78kb (0.12M)
Файл: |
Опис: |
"There are new live/install media of SparkyLinux
5.8 'Nibiru' available to download. This is the
first release of the new stable line, which is
based on the Debian 10 'Buster'. Changes: based
on Debian 10 stable Buster now; repositories
changed from Testing to Stable; system upgraded
from Debian stable Buster repos as of July 14,
2019; Linux kernel 4.19.37-5 (i686 and amd64);
Linux kernel 4.19.57-v7+ (ARMHF); the Calamares
installer updated up to version 3.2.11;
apt-daily.service disabled; sparky-tube
installed as default; removed old third-party
Розмір: |
23.99kb (0.02M)
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