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Version 10.0 is based on Ubuntu 18.04: "CAINE
10.0 "Infinity" is out. Linux kernel 4.15, based
on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit, can boot on UEFI, UEFI
with Secure Boot, Legacy BIOS, BIOS. The
important news is that CAINE 10.0 blocks all
block devices (e.g. /dev/sda) in read-only mode.
You can use a GUI tool named BlockOn/Off which
is present on CAINE's desktop. This new
write-blocking method assures that all disks are
really preserved from accidental writing
operations because they are locked in read-only
mode. If you need to write to a disk, you can
unlock it with BlockOn/Off or by using 'Mounter'
to change the policy to writable mode. New
tools, new OSINT, Autopsy 4.9 on-board, APFS
ready, Btrfs forensic tool, NVME SSD drivers;
SSH server disabled by default; OSINT -
Carbon14, OsintSpy added; mobile - gMTP and ADB
added; added Recoll, Afro, Stegosuite; many
fixes and software updates; CAINE has Windows
IR/Live forensics tools; new release of Arsenal
Image Mounter and HibernationRecon...."
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18.41kb (0.02M)
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The project has released a new update,
SparkyLinux 4.9, to its Stable branch, based on
Debian 9 Stretch. "New ISO images feature
security updates and small improvements, such
as: full system upgrade from Debian stable repos
as of November 8, 2018; Linux kernel 4.9.110
(PC); Linux kernel 4.14.71 (ARM); added key
bindings of configuration of monitor brightness
(Openbox); added key bindings of configuration
of system sound (Openbox and LXDE); added cron
configuration to APTus Upgrade Checker. Added
packages: xfce4-power-manager for power
management; sparky-libinput for tap to click
configuration for touchpads; xfce4-notifyd for
desktop notifications; sparky-artwork-nature
package features 10 more new nature wallpapers
of Poland."
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26.47kb (0.03M)
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"The ReactOS project is pleased to announce the
release of version 0.4.10, the latest of our
quarterly cadence of releases. The project has
seen an increasing emphasis on consistency and
stability over the past few months, an emphasis
the rapid release schedule helps re-enforce to
provide a better end-user experience. Even as
new pieces of functionality are added, all this
would be for naught if a user could not access
them reliably. The headline feature for 0.4.10
would have to be ReactOS
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77018.99kb (75.21M)
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The GhostBSD team have announced a new release,
GhostBSD 18.10, which is the first stable
version from the project to use TrueOS instead
of FreeBSD as the operating system's base. The
new version also adopts LibreSSL over OpenSSL,
removes the GRUB boot loader in favour of
FreeBSD's loader and the operating system uses
ZFS as the default file system. "GhostBSD 18.10
is our first official release of GhostBSD with
TrueOS under the hood and the official desktop
is MATE. What has changed since 11.1: GhostBSD
is now built from TrueOS instead of FreeBSD;
OpenRC is GhostBSD main init system; LibreSSL is
the default SSL; GhostBSD base system can now be
upgraded to the next release via TrueOS packages
base; we removed GRUB from the ISO in favor of
the new FreeBSD hybrid loader; NetworkMgr now
supports the option to manage multiple network
card connection; Unionfs was removed from the
live session; the live system has been rewritten
to fix many issues; GhostBSD boots directly to
MATE session; GhostBSD supports ZFS BE by
default; FreeBSD ports and packages are
incompatible with GhostBSD 18.10; GhostBSD uses
TrueOS ports to build packages; drm-next-kmod
was added for newer AMD and Intel cards; NVIDIA
driver 390.87 was added to support the latest
NVIDIA cards...."
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25.92kb (0.03M)
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"Parrot 4.3 is now available for download. This
release provides security and stability updates
and is the starting point for our plan to
develop an LTS edition of Parrot. Changes: Linux
kernel has been updated to the 4.18.10 version;
Firefox 63 provides noticeable security and
privacy features, but it is no longer available
for 32-bit systems, so we switched to Firefox
ESR on all the unsupported architectures. WINE
menu - we have fixed a bug in the Parrot menu
configuration that prevented several menu
categories to show up; the Parrot .bashrc file
has been updated, now it provides better snap
support, the ll alias now shows the size in a
human readable format and it does no longer
overwrite some global settings as it used to do
before; OpenJDK 11 is now the default Java
provider; Anonsurf has received important
stability upgrades and now it does not mess up
the DNS configuration; new Parrot icons...."
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37.13kb (0.04M)
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TB-TUN is an tiny userspace program to build
6to4/tunnelbroker/ISATAP tunnel for Linux. The
host kernel should have ipv6 stack and supports
TUN/TAP. Generally the program should run with
the root privilege.
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5.75kb (0.01M)
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"The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the
4.18-based Linux kernel, our default toolchain
has moved to GCC 8.2 with glibc 2.28 and we've
also updated to OpenSSL 1.1.1 and GnuTLS 3.6.4
with TLS 1.3 support. Ubuntu Desktop 18.10
brings a fresh look with the community-driven
Yaru theme replacing our long-serving Ambiance
and Radiance themes. We are shipping the latest
GNOME 3.30, Firefox 63, LibreOffice 6.1.2 and
many others. Ubuntu Server 18.10 includes the
Rocky release of OpenStack, including the
clustering enabled LXD 3.0, new network
configuration via netplan.io and iteration on
the next-generation fast server installer.
Ubuntu Server brings major updates to
industry-standard packages available on private
clouds, public clouds, containers or bare metal
in your data centre."
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34.75kb (0.03M)
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"The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to the
4.18-based Linux kernel, our default toolchain
has moved to GCC 8.2 with glibc 2.28 and we've
also updated to OpenSSL 1.1.1 and GnuTLS 3.6.4
with TLS 1.3 support. Ubuntu Desktop 18.10
brings a fresh look with the community-driven
Yaru theme replacing our long-serving Ambiance
and Radiance themes. We are shipping the latest
GNOME 3.30, Firefox 63, LibreOffice 6.1.2 and
many others. Ubuntu Server 18.10 includes the
Rocky release of OpenStack, including the
clustering enabled LXD 3.0, new network
configuration via netplan.io and iteration on
the next-generation fast server installer.
Ubuntu Server brings major updates to
industry-standard packages available on private
clouds, public clouds, containers or bare metal
in your data centre."
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74.82kb (0.07M)
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"Curiously, the work during this Ubuntu MATE
18.10 release has really been focused on what
will become Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2. Let me explain.
The upstream MATE Desktop team have been working
on many bug fixes for MATE desktop 1.20.3, that
has resulted in a lot of maintenance updates in
the upstream releases of MATE desktop. The
Debian packaging team for MATE Desktop, of which
I am member, has been updating all the MATE
packages to track these upstream bug fixes and
new releases. Just about all MATE desktop
packages and associated components, such as
AppMenu and MATE Dock Applet have been updated.
Now that all these fixes exist in the 18.10
release, we will start the process of SRU'ing
(backporting) them to 18.04 so that they will
feature in the Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 release due
in February 2019. The fixes should start landing
in Ubuntu MATE 18.04 very soon, well before the
February deadline. Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 will
include a hardware enablement stack (HWE) based
on what is shipped in Ubuntu 18.10...."
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78.61kb (0.08M)
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"Kubuntu 18.10, featuring the beautiful Plasma
5.13 desktop from KDE, has been released.
Code-named 'Cosmic Cuttlefish', Kubuntu 18.10
continues our proud tradition of integrating the
latest and greatest open-source technologies
into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux
distribution. Under the hood, there have been
updates to many core packages, including a new
4.18-based Linux kernel, Qt 5.11, KDE Frameworks
5.50, Plasma 5.13.5 and KDE Applications
18.04.3. Kubuntu has seen some exciting
improvements, with newer versions of Qt, updates
to major packages like Krita, Kdeconnect,
Kstars, Peruse, Latte-dock, Firefox and
LibreOffice, and stability improvements to KDE
Plasma. In addition, Snap integration in Plasma
Discover software center is now enabled by
default." And some good news for the
disappointed users who had hoped for the
inclusion of Plasma 5.14 in Kubuntu 18.10:
"Users who wish to test the latest Plasma 5.14.1
and Frameworks 5.51, which came too late in our
release cycle to make it into 18.10 as default,
can install these via our Backports PPA."
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72.72kb (0.07M)
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