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Файл: manjaro-gnome-20.2-201203-linux59.iso.torrent

Manjaro Linux 20.2
"We are happy to announce our latest release of Manjaro we call 'Nibia'. The GNOME edition is the epicenter of new exciting features. It received a major overhaul, possibly the biggest update thus far. GNOME 3.38 provides performance enhancements, significantly improved application grid, parental controls, excellent welcome tour as well as many other features. The new OEM style installation makes the installation process extremely simple, and Gnome-Initial-Setup lets you easily install Manjaro for other people. Manjaro's Application-Utility got also many improvements, letting easily choose your favorite browsers, office suites and password managers. We also included two excellent forms of automatic window tiling."

Розмір: 26.59kb (0.03M)

Файл: 2020-12-02-raspios-buster-armhf-full.zip.torrent

Simon Long has announced the availability of a new version of Raspberry Pi OS, a Debian-based distribution for Raspberry Pi computers. The latest version includes an updated Chromium web browser, a graphical front-end for configuring printers, and the PulseAudio audio control software. "We've updated the Chromium browser to version 84. This has taken us a bit longer than we would have liked, but it's always quite a lot of work to get our video hardware acceleration integrated with new releases of the browser. That's done now, so you should see good-quality video playback on sites like YouTube. We've also, given events this year, done a lot of testing and tweaking on video conferencing clients such as Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, and they should all now work smoothly on your Raspberry Pi's Chromium."

Розмір: 29.07kb (0.03M)

Файл: blackarch-linux-netinst-2020.12.01-x86_64.iso.torrent

BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution designed for penetration testers and security researchers. The project has published a new snapshot, version 2020.12.01, which includes many new tools and updated packages. The project's blog post states: "Today we released the new BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA image. Many improvements and QA went through all packages and tools BlackArch Linux offers! For details see the ChangeLog below. Here's the ChangeLog: added more than 100 new tools; renamed 'Live ISO' to 'Full ISO'; updated blackarch-installer to v1.2.16; included Linux kernel 5.9.11; adapted ISO creation to the new archiso version (work in progress);removed unnecessary files from the ISO env; QAed and fixed a lot of packages (runtime exec, missing dependencies, etc.); updated all vim plugins and improved vim config options; updated all BlackArch tools and packages including config files; updated all system packages; updated all window manager menus (Awesome, Fluxbox, Openbox)."

Розмір: 29.08kb (0.03M)

Файл: blackarch-linux-full-2020.12.01-x86_64.iso.torrent

BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution designed for penetration testers and security researchers. The project has published a new snapshot, version 2020.12.01, which includes many new tools and updated packages. The project's blog post states: "Today we released the new BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA image. Many improvements and QA went through all packages and tools BlackArch Linux offers! For details see the ChangeLog below. Here's the ChangeLog: added more than 100 new tools; renamed 'Live ISO' to 'Full ISO'; updated blackarch-installer to v1.2.16; included Linux kernel 5.9.11; adapted ISO creation to the new archiso version (work in progress);removed unnecessary files from the ISO env; QAed and fixed a lot of packages (runtime exec, missing dependencies, etc.); updated all vim plugins and improved vim config options; updated all BlackArch tools and packages including config files; updated all system packages; updated all window manager menus (Awesome, Fluxbox, Openbox)."

Розмір: 145.03kb (0.14M)

Файл: nethserver-7.9.2009-x86_64.iso.torrent

NethServer is a CentOS-based Linux distribution for servers. The project's latest release is NethServer 7.9 which replaces its original user interface with Cockpit, introduces a new panel to sync e-mail over IMAP, and brings the distribution up to date with its CentOS base. "Release highlights: Many new features were added since the last NethServer ISO was released, they are all available within NethServer 7.9 based. Let

Розмір: 90.79kb (0.09M)

Файл: ghostbsd-20.11.28-xfce.iso.torrent

GhostBSD 20.11.28
"This release comes with a new live system that leverages ZFS, compression and replication first introduced in FuryBSD by Joe Maloney. The 20.11.28 release contains numerous improvements, including OS fixes for Linuxulator to improve Linux Steam performance, an updated kernel and GhostBSD userland updates. Userland updates include a MATE desktop upgrade to version 1.24.1, Software Station performance improvements and numerous application updates. Issue and feature completed: asks for Restart no matter what the update; update manager hangs when running twice; build.sh can't find ghostbsd-common-settings; xdg-user-dirs-update push in ISO bad locale...."

Розмір: 27.19kb (0.03M)

Файл: ghostbsd-20.11.28.iso.torrent

GhostBSD 20.11.28
"This release comes with a new live system that leverages ZFS, compression and replication first introduced in FuryBSD by Joe Maloney. The 20.11.28 release contains numerous improvements, including OS fixes for Linuxulator to improve Linux Steam performance, an updated kernel and GhostBSD userland updates. Userland updates include a MATE desktop upgrade to version 1.24.1, Software Station performance improvements and numerous application updates. Issue and feature completed: asks for Restart no matter what the update; update manager hangs when running twice; build.sh can't find ghostbsd-common-settings; xdg-user-dirs-update push in ISO bad locale...."

Розмір: 29.45kb (0.03M)

Файл: bodhi-5.1.0-64.iso.torrent

Bodhi Linux is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Moksha desktop environment. The new version, 5.1.0, is the first release under the project's new management. "Today I am pleased to announce the release of Bodhi Linux 5.1.0. This is my first official release and is somewhat delayed from our original plans. Hopefully, this delay is worth it to our users. Much thanks to Stefan 'the waiter' Uram for his work on both the code and the themes and icons - Bodhi would not be the same without his creative input. In addition, it features several breaks with Bodhi tradition. In addition to replacing epad with Leafpad, Midori with Epiphany and ditching eepDater, we now offer two 64-bit ISO images and a revamped AppPack ISO image. If you are unsure which version is best for you, please see this wiki page explaining the differences between them."

Розмір: 30.88kb (0.03M)

Файл: bodhi-5.1.0-64.iso

Bodhi Linux is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Moksha desktop environment. The new version, 5.1.0, is the first release under the project's new management. "Today I am pleased to announce the release of Bodhi Linux 5.1.0. This is my first official release and is somewhat delayed from our original plans. Hopefully, this delay is worth it to our users. Much thanks to Stefan 'the waiter' Uram for his work on both the code and the themes and icons - Bodhi would not be the same without his creative input. In addition, it features several breaks with Bodhi tradition. In addition to replacing epad with Leafpad, Midori with Epiphany and ditching eepDater, we now offer two 64-bit ISO images and a revamped AppPack ISO image. If you are unsure which version is best for you, please see this wiki page explaining the differences between them."

Розмір: 800768.00kb (782.00M)

Файл: easy-2.5-amd64.img.gz

EasyOS is an experimental Linux distribution which uses many of the technologies and package formats pioneered by Puppy Linux. The distribution features custom container technology called Easy Containers which can run applications or the entire desktop environment in a container. EasyOS 2.5 introduces a number of new changes which are highlighted in the project's release announcement: "EasyOS 2.5 is the latest in the 2.x Buster-series, built with Debian 10.6 DEBs. As well as the DEBs, other packages are updated, including SeaMonkey 2.53.5, and the Linux kernel is now 5.4.78. There have been many infrastructure and utility fixes and improvements, including hardware-profiling for the CPU temperature monitor. The single most significant application change relative to the previous release is the new BluePup bluetooth manager, replacing Blueman (though Blueman is in the repository, so can be installed if needed). The Multiple Sound Card Wizard has been integrated with BluePup."

Розмір: 562626.10kb (549.44M)

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