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Тег: proxmox-mailgateway.6.4-1




Proxmox is a commercial company which offers specialized products based on Debian. The company has launched Proxmox Mail Gateway version 6.4 which is based on Debian 10.9 "Buster". The release announcement covers the highlights of the new version: "Full integration of the ACME protocol via the GUI: create valid and trusted certificates for domains with Let's Encrypt. General certificate management via GUI: upload custom certificates from the web interface. SpamAssassin 3.4.5 with support for external SpamAssassin update channels - Proxmox Mail Gateway will now fetch verified updates from external rule channels and the KAM ruleset channel is available. Improved management of the Spam Quarantine: display the quarantined emails of all users at once in the admin view. TLS-logging improvements: The Proxmox Message Tracking Center now shows when an outbound connection is established over TLS. Enhancements to the integration of Proxmox Backup Server: getting notification emails if you have configured a Proxmox Backup Server Remote is now possible."



Размер: 38.32kb (0.04M)


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