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Тег: emmabunt.s.de5-1.00




Emmabuntüs DE5-1.00

Emmabuntüs is a desktop Linux distribution with editions based on Debian's Stable branch. The project's latest release, Debian Edition (DE) 5-1.00 is based on Debian 12 "Bookworm". "This Emmabuntüs DE 5 release includes the following changes or features: Based on Debian 12.1 Bookworm; kernel 6.1.27; Xfce 4.18.1; LXQt 1.20.0; LibreOffice 7.4.5; Firefox ESR 102.14.0; Falkon 22.12.1-2; Thunderbird 102.14.0; Added a script to run OS-prober; improved startup time in live mode and installation of Calamares under WMware; removed PlayOnLinux and WINE to save space following the activation of a new ISO compression mode; disabled info message on non-free-firmware repository; replaced zram-tools by systemd-zram-generator; updated Scratch 3.29.1 to 64-bit version; updated of the Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 5 installation tutorial in French version. Emmabuntüs comes with a large number of software to allow beginners to have all the tools they may need without having to look for them and install them, see the list of all the software available on Emmabuntüs DE 5. We fully assume this choice, which also allows us to provide a complete ready-to-use solution within the framework of our activities of computers re-use and training for computer classes under GNU/Linux, as for example in Togo within the framework of our collaboration with the associations YovoTogo and JUMP Lab'Orione."



Размер: 39.69kb (0.04M)


Аудио 79 0.73Gb
Видео 117 23.03Gb
Документы 321 9.81Gb
Другое 124 1.54Gb
Изображения 243 51.06Gb
Софт 1827 414.60Gb



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