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Тег: linux.lite

Linux Lite — дистрибутив Linux рассчитанный на устаревшее оборудование. Основан на Ubuntu и создан командой, руководимой Джерри Безенконом (Jerry Bezencon). Целью Linux Lite является приобщение Windows-пользователей к Linux.




Linux Lite 5.0 RC1
The new version is based on Ubuntu 20.04: "Linux Lite 5.0 RC1 is now available for testing. This is the most feature rich, complete Linux Lite release to date. This is the release many people have been waiting for. Changes: UEFI is now supported out of the box, it is recommended that you disable Secure Boot even though it will work - it's just a huge hassle to have it enabled; Gufw firewall has been replaced by the highly configurable FireWallD; new Updater notifier, enabled by default to notify twice per day; latest WhiskerMenu with new default sort (Install Updates is now at the top of Favorites); Paint now added to Accessories; Xfce Screensaver now included, disabled by default; updates and other software during slideshow will now install your hardware drivers - e.g. if you have an NVIDIA video card, they will be installed before you reboot...."



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